darkfield analysis


darkfield analysis of live blood drop

The procedure is simple and painless.

By observing live blood using a darkfield microscope, we get all the information without waiting.

Microscopic examination is performed under high magnification on a dark background, which gives us an insight into the characteristics of freely moving cells in the examined blood sample.

One drop of blood is taken from the finger and placed on the slide. Without fixing or staining, the blood is analyzed immediately after collection, and the image, magnified up to 1000 times, is transferred to a computer screen or monitor with the help of a camera and specialized software.

What is new and revolutionary is that the patient follows the analysis process all the time and sees his own blood on the computer screen. Images and videos are saved on our computer for future reference. The total time of the analysis and the interview with the expert lasts on average 45-60 minutes.

By performing Darkfield examinations, images and videos before and after therapy can be compared, and very interesting results can be obtained. Each person can begin to associate the feeling of improved health (even if the examination was performed preventively) – increased energy, greater endurance, better mood…), and conclude for themselves that healthier-looking blood has a direct connection with a good general condition of the body.

Blood supplies our tissues with oxygen and helps to clear out toxins. The main regulatory task of blood is cell nutrition, in addition to defense mechanisms and maintenance of optimal body temperature. Blood helps the body’s ability to adapt to various conditions such as weather and climate changes, stress, physical activity, new eating habits, resistance to injury and infection.

By learning about the delicate metabolic balance that takes place on a microscopic level in our body, we learn how to improve our own health and achieve an energetic and active life.

Microscopic examination of blood in a dark field is an analysis that should be done even when you are apparently completely healthy.

This examination is of great importance in young children, where simply with proper nutrition and short-term supplementation, blood quality and health can be improved very easily and quickly. Apart from children, all athletes should take a peek into the whole new world of their own blood cells. Then there are people who have health problems, whether they are quite mild or they are already chronic diseases that last for years.

I recommend afollow-up visit a month after initial analysis. The goal of the control examination is to determine the positive changes that have occurred as a result of therapy, changes in diet and lifestyle. This increases the motivation to persevere on the difficult path of preserving our health.

A simple correlation – make the blood look better, you’ll feel better. Improve your blood, you will improve your health.

A person who wants to perform an analysis of a drop of blood using the Darkfield microscopy method must be properly prepared. It is best to come to the examination on an empty stomach, but you are allowed to drink normal amounts of liquid, preferably plain water.

Some world clinics and institutes that use the Darkfield microscopy method to diagnose the general state of health of patients in order to prevent possible diseases:


Note: This analysis cannot be a substitute for regular blood tests in the laboratory.

Live blood drop: Darkfield microscopic blood analysis (HRT)

dr. Nela Roje – About darkfield analysis (RTL)

Blood is a means of transport for everything that goes into or leaves our body, and gives us the following picture:

  • Changes in cells or plasma, as well as changes in their dynamics as a result of insufficient intake of vitamins, minerals, water, amino acids through daily diet or due to their poor absorption

  • tendency towards cardiovascular diseases (plaques can be seen that can stick to blood vessels, undigested fat, aggregation of platelets…)

  • cell damage due to the action of toxins, free radicals

  • the presence of bacteria, fungi, parasites (especially in the case of unexplained allergic reactions or long-term inflammatory conditions)

  • presence of crystals – excessive acidity of the body, a predispostition to gout

  • the body’s ability to neutralize and excrete toxins

  • changes due to long-term exposure of the organism to stress

  • presence of dysbiosis – it is known that pathogenic microorganisms cause disease if they manage to colonize the intestinal mucosa. If the balance between good and harmful bacteria in the intestines is disturbed, this condition is called dysbiosis, and it can be the cause of many ailments.